Blue church website template with a large banner, three homepage objectives, social media icons, and e-mail newsletter signup.
Important Information
All designs on our websites are design samples. Your actual finished product will be a customized version of this design concept. Your purchase includes a phone consultation to gather your logo, images, and any changes you would like made to the design. Our design staff will make the requested changes, implement your photo, graphics, and logos, and provide you with a Photoshop file along with corresponding HTML and CSS files.
You may also elect to choose to host your website with us on the
NetMinistry Technology Platform. Basic CMS Hosting includes installation on our content management platform with unlimited pages. Standard CMS Hosting includes all of our online applications, including content management, media management, our CRM solution, online donations and
much more. The additional fee for hosting is also the monthly amount. Your first payment is for the following month of service. For example, if you order in October, your next monthly charge will occur in December.
For questions regarding our hosting options, please call us at (877) 318-7994.